As a city of the future, today, Bracknell is always ahead of other towns in Britain and this is particularly true of Bracknell's Christmas decorations. So proud is the town of its unique way of celebrating Jesus's birth, that it begins to do so in mid November. From about this time, the town council unleashes its famous robot deer, which, as can be seen in the picture, dash, dance, prance and vixen all over the shopping centre. Their ambitious designer, anxious to make his mark, fitted them with anti-gravity hooves allowing them to climb walls and spring from car park level to elevated walk way like demented and very large, metal squirrels. By the first of December the Bracknellians are understandably irritated by these clanking deer-like automata. This explains the second part of the season's town centre festivities which involves gangs of dangerous dog owning residents pursuing the reindeer until the latter's batteries run out on or around Christmas day. The robot deer are then unceremoniously dismembered and dumped outside the council offices. Don't worry, they'll be back again in time for next year's celebrations.
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