In addition to the town council, Bracknell is ruled by a mysterious alien force known as Zardoz The Great, or so Bracknellian lore has it. To the horror of the town council, on the day the Bracknell town centre "Regeneration" was announced, the sky went mental (see picture attached) and a huge booming voice was heard everywhere, just like on that episode of Star Trek, or it could have been Space 1999. Nobody could tell if the voice was just in their heads but it seemed to be roaring something about "betrayal" and "Bar Torino and the Bus Station Café not good enough for you then, eh?" Under the town centre Regeneration programme, both these establishments have been scheduled for demolition and will be replaced by Starbucks or Costa or something. In any event, upon encountering the resulting wrath of Zardoz The Great, the Bracknellians all raced their moon scooters for cover into Bar Torino and the Bus Station Café and nobody has been seen outside since.